The Comfort Zone By DavisMcDavis

Interests: Sexy Jake Shears. I think it's good for a man to have a hobby, and Jake Shears is my hobby. I also like making soap and painting, preferably while listening to the Scissor Sisters. Expertise: Warholiana, Bernhardeliana, Sedarisata (both David and Amy), and Queen Amidaliana, Jake Shears-iana, and other similar party trivialities and banter. My Xanga blog ( doesn't Google very well so I'm trying to post things here also. Why not?

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I've Got 25 Bucks And A Cracker, Do You Think It's Enough?

Todd is complaining on his weblog about not having enough money to give the Democrats, but I can't see the point of lugging around all that guilt, and besides, he used to work for those bitches, so he's done his part already, if you ask me. It's not like the Democratic party didn't just roll over and show their belly when the gay marriage question came up, anyway. Fuck them. If they don't have a big bowl of shut-the-hell-up about their Christian family values crap, I'm voting for the Communists in the next election - just you watch me do it!

I guess LA has made Todd go all soft in the middle after his tenure here in New York. If I was going to feel guilty about not giving money to every person who asks for it, I'd be in a crumple of tears by the time I reached my job. At some point I started to find it offensive that I had to go work at something I hated while Can Anbody Spare A Quarter Lady just dropped in for what was apparently a very short shift of turban-wearing begging before popping off by lunchtime, since she was only there in the morning. With all that time on her hands she could have worked up a catchier begging mantra, but she never varied from 'Can anybody spare a quarter or any other change can anybody spare a quartuh?' said all in one breath and without puncuation, and then repeated ad nauseam.

She's gone now, which is good, since if she was there today she'd be frozen in place until the spring thaw. I don't know where they all went, but I used to have about three homeless people who'd hit me up before I even reached the United Homeless Organization person on the corner - Can Anybody Spare A Quarter Lady, Gray Haired Possible 'Nam Veteran Hanging His Head In Shame And/Or Sleep, and then whichever person was occupying the disused doorway next to the grocery store, which was Yellow Beard The Alcoholic awhile back and then came Shalom Hungry Jew - at least, that's what his sign said, though I think he just happened upon a yarmulke one day and ran with it.

Even Mr. Free Newspaper-hander-outer is just beyond the scope of my attention - I don't have the energy to take your free paper, sir, so please don't give it to me. I mean, there's one free newspaper guy when I get on the train and another when I get off the train, and they both expect me to take a paper and read the worthless articles in it, which have all the depth of a table of contents. This is assuming I ignore the four free newspaper boxes that I pass anyway. I don't know where the time goes these days, but I'm going to have to start bringing my "Christmas present" books to the office to read during work hours or I'll never get through them. I guess I'll manage to read at least part of one on the plane on the way to visit Todd next month, where - thank Linda Hunt - I'll be visiting for several glorious non-freezing days during the President's Day holiday.

Now that I think about it, I should be bringing Todd my copy of How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty with me to lend- it's been a big help to me, though I think I could use a brush-up lesson since Solomon's going to be moving in a few days (ha ha- just kidding!).

I actually enjoy helping people move in some perverse way - it just feels so productive, somehow, and as long as it's not raining and the person has packed well, it's not all that difficult, either. You get up early, have lots of coffee, enjoy the sunrise coming up over whichever borough you're moving from, and end with a delicious meal you can enjoy guilt-free because you've been lugging all those boxes. What could be better? So if the Democrats come around to my apartment, I'll offer to help them move, if they want, but only if they've done all their packing the night before.

Cash, however, is out of the question.

That is all.


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