The Comfort Zone By DavisMcDavis

Interests: Sexy Jake Shears. I think it's good for a man to have a hobby, and Jake Shears is my hobby. I also like making soap and painting, preferably while listening to the Scissor Sisters. Expertise: Warholiana, Bernhardeliana, Sedarisata (both David and Amy), and Queen Amidaliana, Jake Shears-iana, and other similar party trivialities and banter. My Xanga blog ( doesn't Google very well so I'm trying to post things here also. Why not?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Wiser? Perhaps.
Older? Definitely.

I went to the record store at lunch so I could pick up Tori's The Beekeeper, which came out last week (sorry I'm late, Tori!). After waffling over whether or not I needed the Deluxe Mega Super Edition, which includes a packet of seeds but costs $6 more, I decided to get Hot Fuss by The Killers instead.

Okay, I got both of them, actually.

I haven't been to a record store in ages, and I remembered why:

  1. Bjork is still releasing every single sound that comes out of her body in limited edition CD-single form, and that continues to piss me off. As Todd would say, there there isn't enough mommy in the world to support a cause like hers. In fact, while I was browsing in the CDs I found an additional two remixes for Hyperballad which I don't have and can't listen to, and also she's released live CDs of several of her studio CDs, in case you want to buy everything twice. I can't keep up, and therefore I give up. She can take her weird-ass hairdos and mutlicolored teardrop snot and her paper dresses and lug them back to Iceland for all I care. For now.
  2. I get distracted by all the pretty colors on the CD boxes and start thinking I need to buy them all. It's very confusing and I need to remind myself that while I like the photography and art direction on all the Kylie Minoque CDs - and there's about 50 million different singles, even before you get into Danii and the other, lesser Minogues - and I did see that cool video at the gym once - I have to remember - I don't listen to Kylie Minogue, except for that one remix of Did It Again by Razor which took out almost all the words. I just like her outfits and her playful insouciance. No offense, Kylie.

On the bright side, however, whilst amongst the singles I came across the CD single for If You Don't Know Me By Now by Aubrey. To be perfectly frank, I actually don't know her all that well by now, but the CD single contains a remix by my friend, famous New York DJ Kevin Graves.

It's terribly exciting that I know someone who has a record in the record shop - aside from my entirely imaginary relationship with Jake Shears of the Scissor Sisters, of course - so I imagine it must be even more exciting for Kevin, whose is actually on the record. I hope he's suitably excited - the record is even available on Amazon today, his birthday is tomorrow, and his super-exciting party-rama is at Crobar this weekend. The only way this week could get more exciting would be if a porn video of him getting fucked by Fred Durst gets hacked from Pam Dawber's cell phone, and since I made that last part up it probably won't happen.

The CD single - which is a reasonably-priced non-import not-limited-edition CD single (thank you!) - is real, however. You can hear a clip on this page, except they did that super-smart thing - and by super-smart I mean not-smart - where they take only the first minute of the song, which is mostly intro, so you don't get much of a sense of it. Maybe they'll have a clip on Amazon soon.

In other news, the local news was practically fingering itself in dizzying excitment over a pending mega-snowstorm, which in actuality ended up being like three inches and very boring, so I suppose it was like one of those blind dates NKOTB was telling me about. My boss still managed to come in an hour and a half late, though, despite the fact he lives about five blocks from me and takes the subway to work. I guess that's why he gets the big money.

That is all.


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