The Comfort Zone By DavisMcDavis

Interests: Sexy Jake Shears. I think it's good for a man to have a hobby, and Jake Shears is my hobby. I also like making soap and painting, preferably while listening to the Scissor Sisters. Expertise: Warholiana, Bernhardeliana, Sedarisata (both David and Amy), and Queen Amidaliana, Jake Shears-iana, and other similar party trivialities and banter. My Xanga blog ( doesn't Google very well so I'm trying to post things here also. Why not?

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Actually, That IS A Lollipop In My Pocket, But It Doesn't Mean I'm Not Happy To See You

I've got just a short note for you before I get back to work. Apparently, the suffering in my personal life has been inspiring Todd to masturbate more often, so I'm going to talk about someone other than me, just to save the kittens and so forth.

Last night I visited DKNY, and the Stump and The Singing Neighbor were both visiting also. The Singing Neighbor told the following tale:

The Singing Neighbor and his roommate went out for New Year's Eve, and returned to their apartment roundabout 6am. The Singing Neighbor went to sleep, but his roommate had been partying with a certain acquaintance of theirs, who I shall call Ms. Krystle Grant Jennings Carrington Methamphetamine, so the roommate was still very much awake and wanted to share this special time with a special gentleman friend of his, and by "special" I mean "anyone willing to come over and do him."

So his roommate went onto and very shortly was joined by just such a special gentleman, someone who shared his interest in the topic of short acquaintanceships among gentleman friends and the topic of anal intercourse. Though they found that their views were in opposition on the second topic, it turned out that this would not hinder their getting to know each other quite well.

To the contrary, they found their two individual positions on the topic to be quite complementary. In order to further discuss this topic - at length - the roommate decided that the very best thing to do would be to leave the apartment he shared with the Singing Neighbor, and go to the elevator room on the roof of the apartment building, which could be accessed by the fire stairway, and have their discussion there.

Picture it: two gentleman of similar interests and extremely brief acquaintanceship having a very heated discussion, so worked up about the discussion that they had discarded most of their clothing, and they're at a part of the discussion when the gentleman caller was trying to drive home his point to the roommate. Repeatedly.

It was in this situation, quite in the very middle of their discussion, and with the roommate having taken a rather treacherous position on the topic, such that he was unable to defend against the endless jackhammer action the the gentleman caller was using to make his point known, that the building superintendant decided to check on the elevator room - the very elevator room where this discussion was taking place!

"What are you guys doing up here!" the superintendant said.

But really, it was more of a rhetorical question at that point, as it was pretty darn obvious what they were doing. The gentleman friend had to give up on making his point to the roommate, and they hastily dressed and said their goodbyes.

That is all.

*UPDATE: The Strangers With Candy movie premiered last night at Sundance, and Strangers With Candy superfan Tony was at both the premiere and some sort of premiere party. If you visit this link (and join the Yahoo group, for those of you pussies who aren't already, um, members) you can see some fun recent photos he took at the pre-premiere party with the cast. Amy Sedaris is looking absolutely adorable, even more so than usual, and there's also a photo where Paul Dinello is touching Tony right on his...shoulder. Sigh. But, in his other hand, Paul is clutching...a beer. Darn! I thought it was going to get dirty there for a minute!

I can only dream of the day that Paul would touch my shoulder, and in his other hand I would imagine, in my wildest dreams, that he was clutching...Todd's neck. Wouldn't that be nice?

I mean, wouldn't that be nice for me?

THAT is all.


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