The Mystery Of The Sexy Christian
In case you're interested, and I'll bet you are, here's the sexy photo that everyone is talking about: sexy Jeff Gannon's AOL picture, which was on his AOL homepage along with the words "Still sexy after all these years." Just not this year, Jeff.
The actual story is that Bushie The Lesser had a plant in the White House press corps who asked such hard-hitting, investigative, and relevant questions as:
Senate Democratic leaders have painted a very bleak picture of the US economy.[Minority Leader] Harry Reid was talking about soup lines, and Hillary Clinton was talking about the economy being on the verge of collapse. Yet, in the same breath, they say that Social Security is rock solid and there's no crisis there.
How are you going to work -- you said you're going to reach out to these people -- how are you going to work with people who seem to have divorced themselves from reality?
Which, you might notice, isn't really a question so much as statement. The only part he forgot was to say:
Could you lower your pants so that I can lick your ass clean your with my tongue before I kiss it?
It should also be noted that Rush Limbaugh, not Harry Reid, talked about soup lines. More specifically, Rush Limbaugh said that Harry Reid said there were soup lines, and then Gannon left out the "Rush Limbaugh making things up" part in his question.
Yesterday Jeff Gannon was on Wolf Blitzer to explain himself, and although previously he said he was "hiding in plain sight" and appreciated all the media attention, he changed his mind after he was stalked...on his way to church. I find that highly laughable, as he's previously described himself as "a two-holiday Christian," which I guess means he celebrates Christmas and Mardi Gras. This whole scandal must have convinced him that he's much more of a Christian than he was before.
Save me, Jebus!
He also said that the whole question of "how did a fake reporter working for a fake news operation get White House press credentials without a background check" question was irrelevant because he was just issued a day pass. What he left out was that he was issued a day pass...every day for two years. He's as much a legitimate reporter as I am - which is to say, not at all.
He also explained away the fact that although there are several web domain names registered under his name, including and, the dirty ones were "for a client" from years ago and never had any actual websites associated with them. I guess the fact that he was in the military and clearly considered himself a hot stud are just superduper amazing coincidences.
Apparently, the photograph of him in his underwear was him taking his clothes off right before he took a bath in the blood of Jesus Christ. Right after that, he was waved into the White House with minimal background checks, and then, totally by coincidence, whenever a hard line of questioning occurred, Bushie would call on him for tough follow-ups like, "Why are your eyes so pretty?"
This reminds me of a quote I came across from Lewis Black the other day (in the 2/16/04 Time Out New York), who says:
At least the Democrats try to hide their shit. These guys just take a dump right in front of us and go, 'Oh no, that's not there. What
you're smelling is, um, that you didn't bathe.'
Really, I don't know why the conservatives are defending this pussy, because this whole story is a great big sexy distraction from legitimate news, like how Condi Rice lied before the 9/11 commission.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to church. The fact that I'm totally nude and covered in body oil is NOT some sexual thing. It's your were anointing me, remember? Just like Jesus got anointed? And I didn't want to get the oil on my clothes, so I removed them. Nothing to see here!
That is all.